Mandatory Companies Act, 2013 Disclosures

The Mandatory Companies Act, 2013 disclosures ensure transparency and accountability, safeguarding stakeholders' interests. These disclosures serve as vital pillars for maintaining trust and integrity in corporate governance practices.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

The Companies Act, 2013 mandates disclosures on Corporate Social Responsibility, fostering transparency and accountability. These disclosures ensure companies fulfill their societal obligations, promoting sustainable development.

For more details: Download Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

CSR Spend

Committed to social responsibility, we allocate a portion of our revenue to impactful initiatives, fostering positive change in communities." "Through our CSR initiatives, we strive to address pressing social and environmental challenges, creating a sustainable future for all

For more details: Download CSR Spend

Form MGT 7

In accordance with MGT 7, our CSR spend is disclosed transparently, reflecting our dedication to ethical business practices."
"Our MGT 7 filing highlights our strategic allocation of resources towards CSR activities, driving both social impact and corporate sustainability.

For more details: Download Form MGT 7

Notice of AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on [date] at [location], providing shareholders an opportunity to engage and participate in key decisions."
"Join us for the AGM, where management will present financial reports, discuss company performance, and address any queries or concerns from shareholders.

For more details: Download Notice of AGM